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Summary of
Important Points in the Life of
Dr. Saalih bin Fawzaan bin ‘Abdullaah al-Fawzaan حفظه الله تعالى
Born: 1935 (1354AH) Shamasiyyah, Qaseem,
Saudi Arabia.
when he was young.
Tribe: Dawaasir
Age Today (2022) 90
years old (Hijri)/ 87 years old (Gregorian).
Education: Master’s
Degree in Fiqh (Thesis topic on Inheritance).
in Fiqh (Thesis topic on the Rulings of Food).
18 years old 1953 1372AH ¯Primary School Teacher (Buraydah)
27 1961 1381 ¯University Lecturer (College of
Sharee’ah, Riyadh)
41 1976 1396 ¯Head of the Higher Institute of Law
53 1987 1407 ¯Member of the Senior Scholars
57 1990 1411 ¯Member of the Permanent Committee of
Educational Research and Islamic Rulings
¯Member of the Fiqh Assembly of
¯Member of the Supervisory Council
for Callers (du’aat)
during Hajj
¯Supervisor of Master’s and Doctoral
Theses ¯Imam, Khateeb, Teacher at Masjid
Prince Mut’ib bin ‘Abdul ‘Azeez in Malaz, Riyadh
¯Answered Fatawa on Saudi Radio – Noorun
‘alad Darb.
From his Teachers رحمهم الله :
‘AbdurRahmaan Naasir as-Sa’dee 1307-1376 (Unayzah)
‘AbdurRazzaaq al-‘Afeefee 1323-1415 (Riyadh)
Muhammad al-Ameen ash-Shinqeetee 1325-1393 (Riyadh) Shaykh
‘Abdullaah bin Humayd 1329-1402 (Buraydah)
Shaykh ‘Abdul ‘Azeez bin Baaz 1330-1420 (Riyadh)
Books: There
are more than a hundred books published of Shaykh Fawzaan’s works. (See the Appendix
for a full list in Arabic).
A few of them include:
1. A Summary of Kitaab at-Tawheed
(for school children).
2. ‘Aqeedah at-Tawheed (for secondary
school curriculum).
Lessons from the Qur’aan.
A Summary of Fiqh.
Explanation of Zad al-Ma’aad
Official Website:
Telegram Channel:
Video Channel:
Presently the Shaykh teaches twice a week online,
broadcast through Youtube (see link above). Saturdays (Kitab at-Tawheed) and
Mondays (Usool ath-Thalaatha) after maghrib KSA time.
A Glimpse into the Life of
Ash-Shaykh Al-‘Allaamah
Dr. Saalih bin Fawzaan bin ‘Abdullaah al-Fawzaan حفظه الله
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Part 1: Taken from Jamaal Fareehaan’s Biography
His Name, Lineage and Birth:
He is Saalih bin Fawzaan bin ‘Abdillaah Aal
Fawzaan from the people of Shamaasiyyah al Wadaa’een from the Dawaasir tribe.
He was born in 1354 AH (1935 CE).
His Upbringing and Education:
His Father passed away while he was young, so he
was brought up by his family. He learned the Noble Qur’aan and the basics of
reading and writing at the hands of the Imaam of the local masjid.
He then joined the state school in his town in
Ash Shamaasiyyah when it opened in 1369 AH. He completed his primary school
education at Faysaliyah School in Buraydah in 1371 AH. After this, he joined
the Educational Institute in Buraydah when it opened in 1373 AH and graduated
from it in 1377 AH. He then joined the Faculty of Sharee’ah (Law) in Riyadh and
graduated from it in 1381 AH.
His Higher Education:
He obtained a Master’s Degree in Fiqh,
He obtained a PhD also in Fiqh. He received both
of these degrees from the Faculty of Sharee’ah.
The Positions He Held and Some of his Duties:
He was appointed a primary school teacher in 1372
AH before he joined the Educational Institute in Buraydah.
He was appointed a teacher at the Educational
Institute in Riyadh after graduating from the Faculty of Sharee’ah.
He was then appointed a teacher at the Faculty of
Sharee’ah and then in Higher Studies at the Faculty of Usool ud Deen
(Fundamental Principles of the Religion).
Then he taught at the Higher Institute of Law,
and later was appointed Head of it in 1396 AH.
He then started teaching there again after his
administrative office came to an end.
He was then appointed to the Council of Senior
Scholars in 1407 AH.
After this, he was appointed a member of the
Permanent Committee of Educational Research and Islamic Rulings in 1411 AH.
He is currently a member of the Fiqh Assembly of
Makkah which is a part of the Muslim World League.
He was a former member of the Supervisory Council
for Callers (du’aat) during Hajj.
He is an Imaam, Khateeb and Teacher at the Prince
Mut’ib bin ‘Abdil ‘Azeez Masjid in Malaz, Riyadh.
He answers questions on the Saudi Radio program
“Noorun ‘alad Darb.”
He also has a scheduled participation on the
committee of research, studies, letters and Islamic Rulings in educational
He (may Allaah preserve him) also supervises many
academic essays submitted by students for their Masters and Doctorate degrees.
He has many students of knowledge studying under him who attend his regular
gatherings and study circles, myself being one of them, and I am proud and
pleased about it (Jamaal bin Fareehaan al Haarithee).
His Teachers:
The Shaykh sought knowledge at the hands of
numerous prominent scholars and judges. Amongst the most famous of them was
Shaykh ‘Abdul ‘Azeez bin Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him). He would praise
our Shaykh and hold him in great esteem. He would rely on him in important
matters. He would send him books to review and give his opinion on.
Another of his teachers was Shaykh ‘Abdullaah bin
Humaid (may Allaah have mercy on him). He would attend many of his lessons in
the Masjid of Buraydah in the days when he was a student in the Educational
Institute there.
He also learned from Shaykh Muhammad Al Ameen Ash
Shinqeetee (may Allaah have mercy on him).
Likewise, he learned from Shaykh ‘Abdur Razzaaq
Al ‘Afeefee (may Allaah have mercy on him).
His teachers also included Shaykh Hamood bin
Sulaymaan At Talaal who was the Imaam of the masjid in the town that our Shaykh
(may Allaah preserve him) grew up in. He (Shaykh Hamood), was then appointed a
judge after that in the town of Dariyyah in the Region of Qaseem. Shaykh Saalih
Al Fawzaan had learned the basics of reading and writing from him.
Then he learned under Shaykh Ibraaheem bin
Dayfillaah Al Yoosuf at the time he was a teacher in the Shamaasiyyah School.
His Books:
The Shaykh (may Allaah preserve him) has written
numerous books, the most famous of which are:
1. ‘At Tahqeeqaat al Mardiyyah fil Mabaahith al
Fardiyyah fil Mawaareeth’ (Regarding Inheritance) This was his Master’s Thesis.
2. ‘Ahkaam al At’imah fish Sharee’ah al
Islaamiyyah’ (The Rulings on Food according to Islamic Law) This was his
Doctoral Thesis.
3. ‘Al Irshaad ilaa Saheeh al ‘Itiqaad’ (A Guide
to the Correct Belief).
4. ‘Sharh al ‘Aqeedah al Waasitiyyah’
(Explanation of The Creed of Waasit).
5. ‘Al Bayaan feemaa Akhta’a feehi Ba’adul
Kuttaab’ (A Clarification on the Errors of Some Writers) (two volumes).
6. ‘Majmoo’ah Muhaadaraat fil ‘Aqeedah wad
Da’wah’ (A Collection of Lectures on Creed and Calling to Allaah) (four
7. ‘Al Khutab al Mimbariyyah fil Munasabaat al
‘Asriyyah’ (Speeches from the Minbar for
Present Day Occasions) (six volumes).
8. ‘Min A’laam al Mujaddideen fil Islaam’ (Some
of the Distinguished Revivers of Islaam).
9. ‘Mabaahith Fiqhiyyah fee Mawaadee’
Mukhtalifah’ (Legal Studies on Various Situations).
10. ‘Majmoo’ Fataawaa fil ‘Aqeedah wal Fiqh’ (A
Collection of Islamic Rulings regarding Creed and Jurisprudence) (five
11. ‘Naqd Kitaab Al Halaal wal Haraam fil Islaam’
(A Critique of the Book: The Lawful and Prohibited in Islaam) – A refutation of
Yoosuf Al Qaradaawee.
12. ‘Al Mulakhas fee Sharh Kitaab at Tawheed’ (A
Summary of the Explanation of Kitaab at Tawheed) of Shaykh Muhammad bin ‘abdil
Wahhaab - an explanation for school children.
13. ‘I’anat al Mustafeed Sharh Kitaab at Tawheed’
(A Beneficial Aid to the Explanation of Kitaab at Tawheed) A more in depth
explanation (two volumes).
14. ‘At Ta’qeeb ‘alaa ma Dhakarahul Khateeb fee
Haqqish Shaykh Muhammad bin ‘abdil Wahhaab.’ (Commentary on what the Khateeb
mentioned regarding Shaykh Muhammad bin ‘abdil Wahhaab).
15. ‘Al Mulakhas al Fiqhee’(A Summary of
Jurisprudence) (two volumes).
16. ‘Ittihaaf Ahlil Eemaan bi Duroos Shahr
Ramadaan’ (Presenting the People of Faith with Lessons for the Month of
17. ‘Ad Diyaa al Laami’ ma’al Ahaadeeth al
Qudsiyyah al Jawaami’ (A Shining Light with the Comprehensive Ahaadeeth
18. ‘Bayaan maa yaf’aluhu Al-Haaj wal-Mu’tamir’
(A Clarification of what a Person on Hajj and ‘Umrah must perform).
19. 'Aqeedat at Tawheed’ (The Creed of Tawheed)
It was originally the secondary level curriculum at the Ministry of Education.
Islamic Rulings and articles published in the “Ad Da’wah” magazine.
21. ‘Duroos min al Qur’aan al Kareem’ (Lessons from
the Noble Qur’aan).
22. ‘Al Ajwibah al Mufeedah ‘an As’ilat il
Manaahij al Jadeedah’ (Beneficial Answers to Questions on Newly Invented
The Shaykh has written other books not mentioned
above; some of which are due to be published.
He plays a large role in guiding and warning the
youth from movements that have deviated from the correct methodology.
Therefore, the innovators and misguided people are subdued by him and many
people have been guided to the truth and the correct way.
May Allaah reward him with much good on our
behalf and on behalf of the Muslims, and may He make his deeds sincerely for
His Noble Countenance, and allow them to be placed on his scale of good deeds
on the Day of Judgement.
May the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon our
Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), his family,
followers and all his Companions.
Written by Jamaal bin Fareehaan Al Haarithee. (A
student of the Shaykh).
Translated from ‘Al Ajwibah al Mufeedah ‘an
As’ilat il Manaahij al Jadeedah’ (Beneficial Answers to Questions on Newly
Invented Methodologies).
Part 2: Information taken from the interviews on the
Shaykh’s Website (with a few personal observations)
His Teaching, Website and Uploaded Content
The Shaykh has dedicated his whole life to
learning and teaching. He has tirelessly worked to raise the word of Allaah
high amongst the people and his lessons and books have spread the world over.
The Shaykh is very clear
when he speaks and explains everything according to the level of the students.
Starting life at 18 as a primary school teacher and later on as a university
lecturer, his knowledge and teaching skills have benefited thousands of
He helped set up what is now called Imam Saud
University, where he started teaching 60 years ago. This was after being the
first one to submit a Master’s Thesis and Doctoral Thesis in the University. He
went on to teach there and developed University curricula in Tawheed and Fiqh
which are still used there today, as well as in secondary schools across the
When asked about the
names of his prominent students, the shaykh said many have come and gone but
did not mention any by name specifically.
In his masjid, his duroos
were crystal clear to the ordinary person and to the non-natives learning
Arabic. He constantly brings ‘aqeedah and tawheed into every lesson. He
elaborates on the stories from the seerah and brings the listener closer to the
words of Allaah. His expressions and tone of voice when explaining keeps the
listener strongly attached to learning the meanings of his religion. His calm,
clear and experienced manner is a blessing upon this ummah. His deep knowledge
of ‘Aqeedah, Tafseer, Hadeeth and Fiqh all shine through lectures. He is
staunch against the people of innovation, extremism, whims and desires. He
firmly calls people to the Qur’aan and Sunnah with the understanding of the
His teacher, Shaykh Bin
Baz رحمه الله who was over 20 years older
than him, greatly influenced him. He was also taught at university by the great
Mauritanian scholar of Tafseer, Shaykh Muhammad al-Ameen ash-Shinqeeti رحمه الله and his influence is clearly seen when he explains the Qur’aan. He also
sat with the great Tafseer scholar, Shaykh ‘AbdurRahmaan Naasir as-Sa’dee رحمه الله. He worked closely with Shaykh Muhammad Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen رحمه الله especially on the Hajj Islamic Awareness Programmes that sent
du’aat to teach the people whilst on Hajj. Many lectures are recorded of the
lessons he gave in Masjid al-Haraam in Makkah alongside Shaykh Muhammad bin
Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen رحمه الله.
He has been teaching and giving da’wah in his
masjid in Malaz, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for over 40 years. A website was set up
about 16 years ago and his lessons were uploaded there for reference. Prior to
that, students would just record what they could by tape recorder. There are
currently nearly 12,000 fatawaa uploaded on the site, with nearly 2000 regular lectures
and 579 general talks. In addition to those, there are 184 jumu’ah khutab
saved. If you look at the books he taught, you can see that he focused on ‘Aqeedah,
with 775 lessons of 33 books on ‘Aqeedah. This was followed by Hadeeth and Fiqh
(nearly 600 lessons combined). There are over 63 hardback books published in
Arabic (which include 120 volumes altogether) along with numerous paperback
books (more than 47).
Forty books have been translated into the English
language from some of his works. The duroos (regular lectures) used to take
place four days a week (Saturdays to Tuesdays) between Maghrib and ‘Ishaa. This
excluded exam periods and holidays. The Shaykh regularly participated in radio
programmes and some of them were developed into book form and published. The
Shaykh would read the newspapers and refute any deviance. He was a supervisor for the du’at on
Hajj and performed Hajj with them for decades. He has been a member of the Senior Scholars and
the Permanent Committee for over 30 years after he retired from the University.
Until very recently, he was seen at his office daily whilst in his 80s الله يحفظه.
The Shaykh was not a person to stay up late. He liked to finish working on his
research about 10pm so that he could sleep early and wake up for tahajjud. He
encouraged the Muslims to wake up early, pray, say the adhkaar and prepare for
Fajr so that he will face the day with energy. The first part of the night is
sleep and rest and the last part is action, dhikr and preparing to perform the
obligatory prayer.
His Character and Humbleness
The Shaykh is a very private, serious and humble person.
Quotes from his interview (1437AH):
Ø “You have embarrassed me by raising me above my
station, I’m at most a student of knowledge like one of you and there may be
amongst you one who is better and more honourable than myself.”
“Then I transferred to the Permanent Committee for
Islamic Rulings. I became a member of that and of the senior scholars despite
not being strong and having little knowledge. The good of what was available as
they say.”
“Despite myself not being strong or active, I
proceeded during this period like any of my colleagues, not having any
distinction over them.”
“I studied what was easy for me according to my
efforts and all praises are for Allaah. You will see my shortcomings and
weakness. Leave me under Allaah’s protection and allow Him to hide my faults.”
The radio programme ‘Noorun ‘alad Darb’ – “A question
would be asked, I would answer what I could—it could have been right or wrong.”
“The book speaks for itself. Read it and let us
know if there are any mistakes or shortcomings. Help us and inform us so we can
correct it.”
The interviewer mentioned an incident when Shaykh
‘Abdul ‘Azeez bin Baaz رحمه الله was asked who to seek
fatwa from after him, he replied ‘Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan’.
Likewise, when Shaykh Muhammad bin ‘Uthaymeen رحمه الله
was in his final illness he was asked, ‘Who do you recommend
that we ask after you O shaykh?’ He replied, ‘Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan.’
“You want me to praise my own books? (The shaykh
laughs). I’d say none of them are special.”
The interviewer mentioned that when Shaykh
‘Uthaymeen رحمه الله was sick, he
heard Shaykh Fawzaan on the radio and said, “MaashaaAllaah. The heart is at
ease with the fataawa Islamic rulings of Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan.”
The interviewer asked the Shaykh, “What is your
advice for the students of knowledge?” The Shaykh replied: “They should be
serious and strive in their studies, then if they are offered a job, they
should fulfill it.” The Prophetﷺ said, “Indeed, Allaah loves that a
person works and does it well to perfection.”
الله يحفظ شيخنا ووالدنا ومربينا وبارك في عمره وجزاه الله خيرا
عنا وعن المسلمين
ربنا ثقل موازينه يوم القيامة بما قدمه للاسلام
والمسلمين ويغفر له ويرحمه
وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وأصحبه
· عن الشيخ (Interview 1413. About 30 years ago).
Interview at Imam Saud University (15/1/1437 - 2015).
الذاتية... تجارب وذكريات - الشيخ صالح الفوزان
‘Al Ajwibah al Mufeedah
‘an As’ilat il Manaahij al Jadeedah’ (Beneficial Answers to Questions on
Newly Invented Methodologies) by Jamaal bin Fareehaan Al Haarithee.
Personal observations.
Arabic Phrases and Titles of Respect for Scholars:
معالي الشيخ
الدكتور His Excellency/the Noble, Shaykh,
فضيلة الشيخ Distinguished Shaykh
الشيخ العلامة Shaykh, most erudite
سماحة الوالد
الشيخ العلامة His
Eminence (title given to mufti), the Father, Scholar
أستاذ الدكتور Professor, Doctor.
شيخ الاسلام Scholar of Islaam (e.g.
Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibnul Qayyim and Muhammad
bin ‘Abdil Wahhaab رحمهم الله).
الحافظ The great memorizer (e.g. Haafidh al-Hakami).
المُحَدِّث The great
scholar of hadeeth
الإمام The leader/
حفظه الله Allaah preserve
Appendix of Arabic Books by the
كتب الشيخ العلامة صالح بن فوزان بن عبد الله الفوزان حفظه الله
عدد الصفحات |
مجلدات |
السنة |
المكتبة |
عنوان الكتاب |
854/ 830/ 957 /1111 |
4 |
1443 |
دار التراث الذهبي |
تعليقات على إغاث اللهفان من مصايد الشيطان |
1 |
؟ 936 |
2 |
1434 |
دار الرسالة العالمية |
التعليق القويم على كتاب إقتضاء الصراط المتقيم لمخالفة أصحاب
الجحيم |
2 |
873 |
1 |
1439 |
مؤسسة التراث الذهبي |
تعليقات على الجواب الكافي |
3 |
392 |
1439 |
مؤسسة التراث الذهبي |
شرح الكتاب الفتن والحوادث |
4 |
383/ 334 |
2 |
1423 |
مؤسسة الرسالة |
إعانة المستفيد بشرح كتاب التوحيد |
5 |
300 |
1 |
1439 |
دار العاصمة |
التعليقات التوضيحية لى مقدمة الفتوى الحموية |
6 |
303 |
1 |
1435 |
دار ابن الجوزي |
شرح الرسالة العبودية |
7 |
184 |
1 |
1426 |
مكتبة دار المنهاج |
شرح عقيدة الإمام المجدد محمد بن عبد الوهاب |
8 |
207 |
1 |
1425 |
دار أطلس الخضراء |
دروس في شرح نواقض الإسلام |
9 |
563/528 |
2 |
1439 |
مؤسسة التراث الذهبي |
تعليقات على كتاب الفرقان بين أولياء الرحمن وأولياء الشيطان |
10 |
888/812/752 |
3 |
1439 |
مؤسسة التراث الذهبي |
مختصر زاد المعاد في هدي خير العباد |
11 |
796/666 |
2 |
1441 |
شرح قاعدة الجليلة في التوسل والوسيلة |
12 |
135 |
1 |
1440 |
شرح منظومة الأحسائي |
13 |
312 |
1 |
1424 |
دار المنهاج |
الأجوبة المفيدة عن أسئلة المناهج الجديدة |
14 |
1076 |
2 |
1424 |
دار ابن الجوزي |
أضواء من فتاوى شيخ الإسلام ابن التيمية في العقيدة |
15 |
951 |
1 |
1426 |
مكتبة الرشد |
إتحاف الطلاب بشرح منظومة الآداب |
16 |
536/536/336 |
3 |
1435 |
دار الميراث النبوية الجزائر |
دروس التفسير في المسجد الحرام سورتي البقرة وآل عمران |
17 |
224 |
1 |
1421 |
دار العاصمة |
دروس من القرآن الكريم |
18 |
465/335/384/292/425 |
5 |
1420 |
مؤسسة الرسالة |
المنتقى من فتاوى فضيلة الشيخ صالح الفوزان |
19 |
676 |
1 |
1439 |
مؤسسة التراث الذهبي |
شرح عمدة الفقه |
20 |
350/659/424/ 445/421/365/251 |
7 |
1427 |
تسهيل الألمام بفقه الأحاديث من بلوغ المرام |
21 |
560/659/560/551 |
4 |
1424 |
دار العاصمة |
الشرح المختصر على متن زاد المستقنع |
22 |
854/830/957/1055 |
4 |
1443 |
مؤسسة التراث الذهبي |
تعليقات على إغاثة اللهفان |
23 |
486/424/406/469/ 341/494 |
6 |
1427 |
دار العاصمة |
الخطب المنبرية في المناسبات العصرية |
24 |
364 |
1 |
1429 |
المنحة الربانية في شرح الأربعون النووية |
25 |
682/594 |
2 |
1435 |
دار الحجاز |
ما تيسر وتحصل من دروس القرآن في حزب المفصل |
26 |
688 |
1 |
1431 |
مكتبة الرشد |
مجموع رسائل دعوية ومنهجية |
27 |
213 |
1 |
1426 |
مكتبة الرشد |
البيان لأخطاء ومقالات متنوعة |
28 |
453/354 |
2 |
1428 |
مكتبة الرشد |
اتحاف القاري بالتعليقات على شرح السنة |
29 |
383 |
1 |
1425 |
شرح لمعة الاعتقاد الهادي إلى سبيل الرشاد |
30 |
292 |
1 |
1422 |
دار العاصمة |
تعليقات المختصرة على متن العقيدة الطحاوية |
31 |
264 |
1 |
1420 |
دار العاصمة |
عقيدة التوحيد |
32 |
416/896/1444 |
3 |
1424 |
التعليق المختصر على القصيدة النونية |
33 |
559 |
2 |
1437 |
دار العاصمة |
الملخص الفقهي |
34 |
721 |
1 |
1432 |
مؤسسة الرسالة |
كتاب الكبائر |
35 |
119 |
1 |
1432 |
دار الإمام أحمد |
سلسلة شرح الرسائل |
36 |
371 |
1 |
1424 |
سلسلة شرح الرسائل |
37 |
536 |
1 |
1430 |
شرح أصول الإيمان |
38 |
334 |
1 |
1421 |
دار العاصمة |
مسائل الجاهلية |
39 |
214 |
1 |
1438 |
دار ابن الجوزي |
سبيل الرشاد في شرح تطهير الاعتقاد عن أدران الإلحاد |
40 |
315 |
1 |
1427 |
مؤسسة الرسالة |
شرح أصول الثلاثة |
41 |
344 |
1 |
1423 |
دار ابن الجوزي |
الارشاد إلى صحيح الاعتقاد والرد على أهل الشرك والإلحاد |
42 |
144 |
1 |
1439 |
مؤسسة التراث الذهبي |
تعليق عاى رسالة وجوب الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر |
43 |
231 |
1 |
1439 |
مؤسسة التراث الذهبي |
شرح كتاب الإيمان من صحيح البخاري |
44 |
173 |
1 |
1417 |
دار السلام |
شرح العقيدة الواسطية |
45 |
15 |
مجموع فتاوى شيخ صالح الفوزان في العقيدة |
46 |
6 |
دار الإمام أحمد |
سلسلة شرح رسائل الإمام محمد بن عبد الوهاب |
47 |
231 |
1 |
1428 |
شرحرسالة الدلائل في حكم موالاة أهل الإشراك |
48 |
719 |
دار العالمية |
القول الأجمل في تفسير المفصل تفسير جزء عم |
49 |
دار ابن الجوزي |
بيان المعاني في شرح مقدمة ابن أبي زيد القيرواني |
50 |
دار العاصمة |
إيضاح العبارات في شرح أخصر المختصرات |
51 |
دار العاصمة |
بحوث فقهية في قضايا العصرية |
52 |
إتحاف الكرام بشرح كتاب الجامع في الأخلاق والآداب من بلوغ
المرام |
53 |
من فقه المعاملات |
54 |
مؤسسة التراث الذهبي |
التحرير في بيان أحكام التكفير |
55 |
دار ابن الجوزي |
فتح الولي الحميد في شرح الدرر النضيد في إخلاص كلمة التوحيد |
56 |
مؤسسة التراث الذهبي |
إفادة المستفيد في شرح تجريد التوحيد المفيد المقريزي |
57 |
محاضرات في العقيدة والدعوة |
58 |
شرح كتاب آداب المشي في الصلاة |
59 |
من أحكام القرآن |
60 |
مؤسسة التراث الذهبي |
كتاب صفة الصلاة من شرح العمدة ابن قدامة |
61 |
شرح الدررة المضية السفارينية |
63 |
كتب غلاف ورقي |
172 |
1426 |
مؤسسة الدعوة الخيرية |
مناسك الحج والعمرة على ضوء الكناب والسنة |
64 |
116 |
1419 |
مكتبة المعارف |
الأعلام بنقد كتاب الحلال والحرام |
65 |
118 |
1425 |
مكتبة الرشد |
حقيقة الغلو في الدين |
66 |
127 |
1429 |
الرئاسة العامة للبحوث العلمية والإفتاء |
تنبيهات على أحكام تختص بالمؤمنات |
67 |
175 |
1421 |
دار الثبات |
من كنوز الفتاوى شبهات وإشكالات حول بعض الأحاديث والآيات |
68 |
54 |
1423 |
حلقات بمسجد أم فهد |
نواقض الإسلام |
69 |
31 |
1423 |
دار القاسم |
الذين يخالفون عن أمره فليحذر |
70 |
31 |
1418 |
دار النجاح |
الاستهزاء بالدين |
71 |
64 |
1413 |
دار إمام الدعوة |
وجوب التثبت في الأخبار واحترام العلماء وبيان مكانتهم في
الأمة |
72 |
40 |
1422 |
دار القاسم |
حقيقة التصوف وموقف الصوفية من أصول العبادة والدين |
73 |
109 |
1432 |
مؤسسة الدعوة الخيرية |
خطب في التحذر من الفوضى والمظاهرات |
74 |
38 |
1421 |
دار القاسم |
أهمية التوحيد |
75 |
58 |
1419 |
مكتبة المعارف |
بيان ما يفعل الحاج والمعتمر وتنبيه على أخطاء يرتكبها بعض
الحاج |
76 |
206 |
مناسك لجنة توزيع المطبوعات الدينية |
عقيدة التوحيد |
77 |
112 |
1419 |
مكتبة المعارف |
إتحاف أهل الإيمان بدروس شهر رمضان |
78 |
32 |
1421 |
دار القاسم |
وضوابطه التكفير |
79 |
246 |
1425 |
الإجابات المهمة في المشاكل المدلهمة |
80 |
80 |
1424 |
دار المنهاج |
شر قتلى تحب أديم السماء كلاب أهل النار |
81 |
36 |
1424 |
مؤسسة الرسالة |
شرح القواعد الأربع |
82 |
88 |
1413 |
مكتبة دار السلام |
المنتقى من فتاوى الشيخ صالح بن فوزان |
83 |
128 |
1425 |
المكتبة التعاوني للدعوة |
سلسلة وصايا وتوجيهات للشباب |
84 |
80 |
1421 |
دار الثبات |
فتاوى حول بعض الكتب |
85 |
64 |
1423 |
فتاوى لأهل المعارض والتقسيط |
86 |
32 |
1424 |
دار القاسم |
الولاء والبراء |
87 |
67 |
1418 |
دار النجاح |
مكانة المرأة في الإسلام |
88 |
40 |
1421 |
دار القاسم |
مظاهر يجب أن تختفي في رمضان |
89 |
102 |
1421 |
دار القاسم |
الفرق بين البيع والربا في الشريعة الإسلامية |
90 |
44 |
1431 |
دار كنوز إشبيليا |
من آداب طالب العلم |
91 |
31 |
1431 |
دار القاسم |
إصلاح ذات البين |
92 |
38 |
1426 |
مكتب وقف السلام الخيري |
مكانة السنة في الإسلام |
93 |
30 |
1421 |
دار القاسم |
الحقوق الواجبة على المسلم |
94 |
55 |
1424 |
المكتبة التعاوني للدعوة |
حوار مع عالم |
95 |
71 |
1429 |
مكتب وقف السلام الخيري |
فقه الواقع وتجديد الخطاب الديني |
96 |
الجامع المفيد في فوائد سورة الفاتحة |
97 |
دار إمام أحمد |
حقيقة التوكل على الله |
98 |
مختصر أحكام الجنائز |
99 |
مجمل عقيدة السلف الصالح |
100 |
شرح حديث جبريل |
101 |
دار إمام أحمد |
شرح حديث "إنا كنا في جاهلية" |
102 |
دار إمام أحمد |
ظاهرة التبديع والتفسيق والتكفير |
103 |
دار المأثور |
شرح ستة مواضع من السنة |
104 |
البدع وما يتصل بالأموات والقبور |
105 |
فضل العشر الأواخر |
106 |
دار المأثور |
شرح الجامع لعبادة الله |
107 |
دار إمام أحمد |
دعوة التوحيد وسهام المغرضين |
108 |
كيف نستقبل شهلر رمضان ونشغل أوقاتنا؟ |
109 |
الإيمان بالملائكة ةأثره في حياة الأمة |
110 |
لمحة عن الفرق الضالة |
111 |
168 |
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